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We cannot become what we want…

We cannot becomevia pinterest

We must be willing to change and grow.




Don’t Stop

Don't Stop via

 There are a many things in my life which slow down or derail me. I’m not going to complain about them, but sometimes these “things” seem so insurmountable that I want to give up.  This quote/illustration makes me smile and reminds me to just keep moving forward…even if I’m not able to accomplish what I want as quickly as I want or need.  If there are things weighing on you or that seem to constantly impede progress…. Just remember…”Don’t Stop” moving forward.  Inch by inch. Centimeter by centimeter. Make each step count and keep moving forward…


Create Beauty

Create Beautyvia

At times I get bogged down by my fears, my pride, deadlines, endless to-do lists, daily chores, unexpected interruptions, and the need to flip the switch in my head from creative to functional (I can’t always do both at the same time).  My desire to create beautiful “things” lately has overpowered my ability to remember that beauty is really created by my attitude, behavior, and actions. I don’t want one at the cost of the other. I needed this reminder and I thought I would share…just in case anyone else out there needed it too.  Let’s go “create beauty!”

